Thursday, September 15, 2016

8/6 - 9/11

A lot has happened and changed since the move back to NH, work got crazy and the fire burnt out. After the Father's Day 5k where I struggled to hang on at 530-540 pace and ran a horrible race (in my terms.) I made a last ditch effort of calling Pete Thomas to see what to do, the choice was clear but I couldn't make the call..time to shut it down. This was the first time I've ever stopped running with out a clear plan of when I would start back up or even if I would. Fast foward nearly 2months, I stubbed across some results from a local race seeing the win not being anything to special and thinking to myself "what the hell are you doing, that's an easy win and $." I knew it was going to take a lot of time and work to get it back but the fire was going again. I met with former Berlin High teammate (and close friend) Coree Kinerson who was also trying to get back in shape. We decided it would be best to work at it together, it's been a slow build with my miles and feeling able to handle it.
The past 6 weeks have been:
No major jumps in miles, very slow building, with the goal of being race ready by late winter early spring. With the start of a new job in a few weeks and aces to top notch facilities I'm feeling that goal will be reached. 

Hopefully I'll have sometime to keep the blog going and see if I can get back to where I used to be.

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